In order to ensure control over the implementation of the project and methodological support, it is planned to create and operate a regional project office. The regional project includes measures to introduce a monitoring system of statistical data of medical organizations on the volume of medical services to foreign citizens, the preparation of information materials to increase the level of awareness of foreign citizens about medical services provided by medical organizations of the Leningrad Region.
The regional project also provides for participation in international exhibition events in order to increase the level of awareness of foreign citizens about the medical services provided by medical organizations of the Leningrad Region . ”
1. Basic information about the medical organization.
GBUZ LO Vyborg Interdistrict Hospital is a large medical institution in the Vyborg district of the Leningrad Region, which has an important geopolitical position on the border of Russia with the European Union. The administrative center of the district is the city of Vyborg, which has had the status of a city since 1403.
The territory of the Vyborg district is 7430 square meters. km, the length of the state border with Finland is 120 km. There are three international automobile checkpoints, a railway checkpoint and a port customs post on the Vyborg border section.
Of the 200 thousandth population of the district in the service area of the GBUZ LO Vyborg Interdistrict Hospital, more than 136 thousand people.
2. The list of medical services provided.
In the GBUZ LO “Vyborg Interdistrict Hospital” within the framework of the Territorial MHI Program, free of charge are provided:
- primary health care, incl . pre-medical; - primary medical and primary specialized medical care; - specialized, incl . high-tech medical care; - palliative care (palliative care department in the village of Sovetsky ).
Medical assistance is provided in the following forms: - emergency; - emergency; - planned.
Vyborg Interdistrict Hospital is equipped with a platform for ambulance helicopters.
The hospital is involved in the implementation of federal and regional projects.
For whom: Foreigners arriving with tourist purposes on a specialized tour for medical advice and for medical examination
5.2 Type of visa: "Business"
Purpose of stay : " Treatment "
Validity: Up to 90 days
For whom: Foreigners arriving for treatment, examination, medical consultations at the invitation of a medical institution (except for targeted tourism for the purpose of treatment) and emergency treatment
5.3 Type of visa: "Private"
Purpose of stay: Special Occasions
Validity: Up to 90 days
For whom: Foreigners arriving for emergency treatment or due to a serious illness or death of a close relative
4. Contact information.
State budgetary healthcare institution Leningrad Region "Vyborg Interdistrict Hospital"
Фактический адрес: 188800, Ленинградская область, г. Выборг, ул. Октябрьская, д.2
Юридический адрес: 188800, Ленинградская область, г. Выборг, ул. Октябрьская, д.2
Главный врач Карасёв Олег Станиславович
Приемная главного врача: 8 (813 78) 2-14-10
Прием граждан по личным вопросам: вторник и пятница с 14.00 до 16.00
Электронная почта:
И.о. заместителя главного врача по медицинской части Кушнир Александр Николаевич: телефон/whatsapp 8(911)2307093
Прием граждан по личным вопросам: понедельник, среда и пятница с 14.00 до 15.00.
Заместитель главного врача по амбулаторно-поликлинической работе Серов Владимир Александрович, тел.8(81378)2-53-09.
Приём граждан по личным вопросам: ежедневно с 10:00 до 12:00
Заместитель главного врача по клинико-экспертной работе Прокофьева Олеся Викторовна: 8 (813 78) 2-46-81
Заведующая поликлиникой Загарских Ксения Евгеньевна: 8 (81378) 2-83-46
Прием граждан по личным вопросам: понедельник с 15:00 до 17:00, среда с 10:00 до 12:00, пятница с 13:00 до 15:00.
Приемное отделение: 8 (813 78) 2-45-52